To us, calving ease doesn’t mean sacrificing growth.
Our cows are bred to have calves that weigh 7% of their body weight with no assistance! Our average birth weight for 2020 calf crop was 86 lbs. We believe bigger calves equate to healthier calves while getting their start in an environment that isn’t necessarily advantageous to baby calves. Green grass, loose mineral, and lots of water is our summer feed schedule. No creep!
Weaning takes place at or around 200 days. After weaning a high roughage diet is fed throughout the winter to encourage high energy, muscle development, and maturity.
Breeding takes place on yearling heifers at around 430 days. Cows need to be able to travel on some rough country and are not pampered, All our cows work for a living! We live in a climate that requires us to feed sometimes 6 months out of the year so they have to be able to produce! We breed to high growth Simmental and Angus bulls that are sure footed clean-uddered and temperamentally flawless. There are too many good cows in the world to have a bad one!
Along with our registered herd, our family has around 500 head of commercial mamma cows that are GAP certified, IMI CARE certified and verified all natural NHTC. We treat these cows just like the registered herd and annually average 600+ lbs. wean weights at just 200 days old.